In addition Achim Lutterbeck is:
- Deputy Chairman oft he Advisory Board of derigo GmbH & Co. KG
As a regulated external investment company within the meaning of the German Banking Law (KAGB), the derigo GmbH & CO. KG takes responsibility as implementer of the conception of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) of the BVT Unternehmensgruppe as well as the Top Select Fund Serie and its administration.
- Chairman of the supervisory board of MedLearning AG
Offers continuing medical education (CME), a web-based training offer for medical fields for physicians. These programmes are cerified by the Bavarian State Medical Association.
- Advisor of several bachelor - and master theses at the
- from 2001 to 2013 he was chairman of the supervisory board of
häberlein & mauerer AG, Munich and Berlin. häberlein & mauerer AG stands for consumer lifestyle. Topics like public relations, social media, consumer and retail marketing are dealt with for companies like Sony, Pommery, Swarowski, Pinterest, Calvin Klein, BMW, Esprit, John Frieda, Hugo Boss or WMF.